Wednesday, October 15, 2008

More Great News!

Yes, we've managed to get the confirmation of three special guests at our November meeting!

We will have the pleasure of introducing the delights of "Thoroughbread" a range of Gluten Free Bread, and it's owner Rebecca will bring some tasters with her so you can sample excellent quality, homemade gluten free bread that will give you back your love of bread!!

We are also delighted to offer the services and expertise of an Ortho-Bionomist - for those who don't know (like me!) Ortho-Bionomy is a gentle, non-invasive, osteopathically-based form of body therapy which is highly effective in working with chronic stress, injuries and pains or problems associated with postural and structural imbalances. The practitioner uses gentle movements and positions of the body to facilitate the change of stress and pain patterns. A strong focus is placed on the comfort of the individual, no forceful manipulations are used. The practitioner also suggests home exercises that individuals can do to further facilitate the neuromuscular re-education process begun in the session. Ortho-Bionomy is very effective in helping alleviate both acute and chronic pain and stress patterns by reducing chronic muscle tension, soothing the joints, increasing flexibility, improving circulation, and relaxing the entire body. please see the following link for more information:

We also have the fantastic support of Kelly Rastovich to give you ideas for nutrition, exercise and diet options that will help alleviate your symptoms. Kelly is a qualified personal trainer and works with a nutritionist for her work as a competitor in competitions such as Body Sculpting. Kelly has a great fascination with understanding diets and how she can help you with getting a good diet that will work with endo's "special requirements"

So with all this excellent advise and expertise on offer, how could you resist coming to see what we're all about? You'll meet like minded sufferers and get an opportunity to share your top tips and get more in return. We'd love to see you, so come and join us on:

Tuesday 4th November at Hudson offices, level 6 of the State Insurance Tower, 1 Willis St, Wellington CBD from 5.30 onwards.

Please contact us at to confirm your attendance as we will provide some catering and need to know numbers a week before the event.

We look forward to meeting you.

Best Wishes

Sian, Jo and Bernadette.